" This book was an absolute waste of my money. Indo jkt reccomend this book to anyone. The author is so confused about what he is presenting. Examples he has given shows his lack of research on the subject. For exampl he presents some errors in the book of mathew where he compares geneologies of the gospels of Luke and Mathew. Unfortunately he has not done enough research to discover it was a translation error by the greek translators who have confused the word "gawra" . Its a horrible peice of work and dont bother wasting your money "
In my previous responses I remarked that these critics complain about the findings and yet are unable to cite any specific examples. At least this person actually provided ONE example. Let's now take a closer look at the example they provided: According to this person: I have “not done enough research” into the “geneologies of the gospels of Luke and Mathew”, and that I have “confused the word 'gawra'.” The fact is that the problem between the two genealogies is not based on the translation of any one word; this is because entire portions of the list do not match! The reader can see what I am talking about by going to Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. In other words: this is NOT a translation issue. For me to say that this person is ill-informed would be an understatement; nevertheless, I am going to take the high road and leave it at that . . .
According to this person, there was a “lack of research on this subject.” I have actually dedicated the last eighteen years of my life to diligent research (I suspect that this person has not done the same). The truth is that the information presented is indeed accurate. There is no confusion. The real issue is that the information conflicts with what this person has been told by others – others who also did not understand the true mission of the Savior.
Furthermore, if this person is going to attempt to portray me as an amateur who did not do the research, then he/she would also have to accuse professional scholars (e.g. Robert H. Gundry Ph.D.; I. Howard Marshall Ph.D.; etc.) who also acknowledge that the difference in genealogies are evidence of contradiction and fallacy.
The fact is that most people (e.g., this person) are not sincere truth seekers. They tend to read books that confirm what they already believe to be true. It is also interesting how people such as this will fixate on one small thing that offends them, then spread this out to the entire thesis itself as a way to unburden themselves from uncomfortable facts (the old “straw-man” technique). Their minds and their hearts have been hardened. Jesus warned about people like this. Now I am getting a better understanding why the Savior believed that the people would not be able to handle the truth. Most cannot.
My book is for people who are ready for the next level.