“In all my years of study; with an open mind no less, I have never read a theological book so heretical. The Author has an agenda and that is not only to take down the Christian Church but also Our Loving Father and His Son Jesus. Let me state first, the Christian Church in all of it's many flavors should do a better job of coming together as one body beneath Christ. However, the disparaging attacks on the Christian Faith as whole by the Author was disconcerting to say the least. Where the Author failed is that Jesus taught the HIS Kingdom was not of this world. Jesus instructed each of us to cultivate a relationship with him from within, not from without. Something in my humble opinion, the Author clearly lacks."
I am going to respond now to each ridiculous accusation:
This person complains that I contradicted the teaching that Jesus taught that his kingdom was not of this world. Not only is this not true but I even AGREE that the true kingdom of Jesus was not in this world! This is actually one of the points that I make in the book! I also agree that Jesus taught that the spiritual life comes from within, not from without. This person clearly did not even read the entire book!
According to this person, who claims to have an “open mind,” I have an “agenda” to take down the “Christian Church.” But if this person had taken the time to actually finish the book he would have seen that this is also not true. I am only providing clarification, not destruction. Indeed, the subtitle of the book offers a clue: the intention is to reform, not to “disparage” the true mission of the Savior. Furthermore, it is certainly ironic that this person, who is clearly a committed member of the Pauline institution, would accuse me of being the one who has an “agenda.” If I have an agenda it is to seek the truth. An honest seeker of the truth must go wherever the evidence leads, even if it contradicts with what they were instructed as a child.
What seems to be happening is that people like this are getting to a point in the book that they perceive as heresy, then, in a fit of rage, jump to conclusions and give up on it and make accusations that are not true.
Jesus said that the truth will set you free. People who already believe that they know the truth despite not having the ability to back it up with facts are not free. They are confined inside an ideological box. Indeed it must be understood that this is a non-denominational/inter-religious problem that doesn't only apply to members of the Taliban, etc. The truth is that these accusations of heresy are a pre-programmed response from those who have been psychologically indoctrinated with a Dark Age understanding of their faith. These are not only people who are not ready for a higher level understanding but these are the same type of obstinate and reactionary people who put Jesus to death!
My advice to this person, and others like him/her, is to put down your pitchforks and torches and finish reading the book.