Any parallels in our own world?
Socrates: "[…] he who is ill-governed in his own person – the tyrannical man, I mean – whom you just now decided to be the most miserable of all – will not he be yet more miserable when, instead of leading a private life, he is constrained by fortune to be a public tyrant? He has to be master of others when he is not master of himself: he is like a diseased or paralytic man who is compelled to pass his life, not in retirement, but fighting and combating with other men. […] Moreover, as we were saying before, he grows worse from having power: he becomes and is of necessity more jealous, more faithless, more unjust, more friendless, more impious, than he was at first; he is the purveyor and cherisher of every sort of vice, and the consequence is that he is supremely miserable, and that he makes everybody else as miserable as himself."
Any parallels in our own world?
When I came across a report of alien mummified remains found near the Nazca lines in Peru I was initially skeptical, so I decided to dig a little deeper. I was initially glad to see that the fact-checking site had investigated and debunked the story as "False." However, after reading the article I noticed that no evidence whatsoever was provided to support this conclusion!
Here we see, once again, that so-called "rational" "fact-checkers" are guilty of the same chicanery that they so-often accuse the so-called "psuedo-scientists" and the believers in the paranormal of. The real shame is that because of this incessant malfeasance on their part, more and more people will begin to distrust rational and scientifically-based fact-checkers, and we will descend even further into an "alternative fact" society where nobody knows what is real and what is "fake news". Click here for the article: truly I see the term "gaslighting" is getting more popular these days. I looked it up on wikipedia and was thinking about how this applies to things that I have seen.
According to the definition: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.
I have seen this before on various internet message boards when "skeptics" go after believers in the paranormal. They use bully techniques to hammer the believer into submission, until the believer even begins to doubt their own personal experiences. I dont mind rational skepticism, but the vitriolic vehemence displayed by some of these arrogant skeptics can truly be downright disgusting. Check out the documentary on Netflix: The Great Hack.
U.S. Navy pilot Commander David Fravor was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast talking about his encounters with UFOs off the coast of California. Link:
From Wikipedia regarding the incident: The USS Nimitz UFO incident was a radar-visual encounter of an unidentified flying object by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004. The encounter also included an engagement with the UFO by the commander of Strike Fighter Squadron 41, and his weapon systems officer.[1] The primary encounter occurred during a combat training exercise being conducted in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern California on 14 November 2004, with purportedly related sightings occurring in the days before and after this encounter. A 2015 account of the incident on, interviews with one of the pilots, and subsequent news reports describe the sighting of an "unidentified flying object" by six Navy Super Hornet fighter jets.[2] Thirteen years after the incident, in December 2017, infrared footage of the encounter was released to the public.[3][4] According to The Washington Post, the video was released by former intelligence officer Luis Elizondo to shed light on a secretive Department of Defense operation to analyze reported UFO sightings, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.[5][6][7] Numerous Freedom of Information Act requests were submitted regarding the incident. There was an FOIA obtained that indicated four Marine Lieutenant Colonels and a Marine Major were aware of the event and had witnessed the IR video of the unknown object. A number of documents were leaked to the Internet, with varying levels of credibility. Acceleration values for the performance characteristics of the object were based upon statements from the USS Princeton radar operators, the F/A-18 pilots that saw the object disappear within a second, and the IR video.[8][page needed] The Navy has since reportedly updated their protocols for pilots to report UFO sightings in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with such reports. I recently became aware of the work of Robert M. Schoch, PhD, and John Anthony West (thanks to Joe Rogan) regarding to the age of the Sphinx, which they is much older than is currently dated. If this is true it would throw off the timeline of the development of civilization - that is if Gobekli Tepe has not already done so. What is also interesting about this situation is how the Egyptologists have been deliberately ignoring the evidence, which comports with what I have been saying all along. Its definately worth a listen.
1) 2) I was just remembering that it was around this time two years ago that I got a phone call from William Bramley, author of the book The Gods of Eden. He had read some of my essays and congratulated me on my findings. I asked him if he would be willing to give me a quote about my book that I could put up as a blurb, but he declined, but not because he did not like my work, but because he said that he was working on something similar and did not want to read the rest of my book and get any ideas from me. He was concerned that I would accuse him of ripping me off. (haha) . . . oh well.
Feeling disappointed in the Dalai Lama for remarking that his successor should be a woman, but only if she is beautiful. I cannot believe that such a statement would ever come from an enlightened person. He needs to apologize.
Through experience with adversity I have learned to be compassionate for others.
Conversely, those who have been fed with "silver spoons" have no real idea of the harshness of reality, and are therefore less likely to be compassionate to others. I have seen several studies that people with less money tend to be more altruistic than those with more money. (here is a reference to one of the studeis: ) And in cases where the rich give to charity, their gifts are not often anonymous. Indeed, it appears there are often ulterior/self serving motives at play. I am very surprised. I thought it would have taken another twenty years at least. This is huge.
Similar efforts are afoot to get psilocybin-related measures on the ballot in Oregon and California in 2020. |
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